Wide Loyal Flexi-Light 2000 Olympic Games
In celebrating the Sydney Olypmic Games 2000, “Flexilight – the imaginative rope light system” played an important role by lighting up the Sydney 2000 Olypmic Rings Logo, and marking the opening and the closing of the Games on Australia’s iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The Olypmic Rings Logo was made of 5.5 kilometers of Square Box Truss RHS Steel, onto which each ring was welded. The rings overall diameter was 24 meters’, with an internal diameter of 20 meters each. The overall size of the structure was 78m (L) x 38m(H) and weighed 33 tons. The structure was attached to the bridge supported by 54 lengths of 16mm diameter steel wire rope cables, aided by other various materials.
Our Chasing Flexilight was chosen for this project. The static configuration reflected the brightness of the Olypmic Games. Each ring consisted of 20 rows, supported by 16mm steel rod tied down by cable ties. A total of 1,700m of Flexilight per ring was used, amounting to 8,500m for the entire structure. Almost 95,000 thousand cable ties were used. This immense work required 5,700 hours to complete.